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11:30–13:00 Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Foyer Sitzgruppe 1

Tiara Roxanne will discuss settler colonialism and data colonialism.

Tiara Roxanne: On data colonialism

Western Indigenous cultures have been colonized, dehumanized and silenced. As dependency on digitality grows culturally, socially and institutionally, it is crucial to highlight how settler colonialism is embedded in techno-culture (the way in which we socialize, intimize and learn e.g.) not only to re-assert Indigenous voices into these paradigms, but to think, imagine and navigate through these modes together. How do we refuse colonialism embedded within AI?

Table talk in English language

Tiara Roxanne is a Tarascan Mestiza scholar and artist based in Berlin. Currently she is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Data & Society in the Trustworthy Infrastructures research team, developing protocols of trust and safety online with Indigenous communities based in Central and South America.

Roxanne’s work is dedicated to rethinking the ethics of AI through an anti-colonial and cyberfeminist lens. By taking a multidisciplinary approach, their research on data colonialism interrogates how big data and datamining systems govern a colonial imposition through design and (visual) representation. These datamining practices arise from machine learning and artificial intelligence black boxes that lack intersectional intelligence and Indigenous knowledge. Tiara has presented at the Images Festival (Toronto), Squeaky Wheel Film and Media Art Center (NY), Trinity Square Video (Toronto), European Media Art Festival (Osnabrück), among others.

Foto: Augustin Farias

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