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11:30–13:00 Ringlokschuppen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Bühne 3

Complexity Science Hub: Research on social crises ranging from prehistory to modern day.

Dániel Kondor: On history of social crises

The past 10.000 years saw a tremendous increase in the scale of human collaboration. Nowadays, each of us relies on the work of millions of others. However, such interdependence carries significant risks and it is often assumed that increased vulnerability is the price to pay for increased complexity. In this talk, I will present our work at the Complexity Science Hub that aim to collect and analyze data and knowledge about social crises ranging from prehistory to modern day. Our research shows the recurrence of crises regardless of whether living in small-scale groups or in states and empires of increasing size through history and thus the importance of the interplay of complex environmental, material and social factors.

Table talk in English language

Dániel Kondor joined the Complexity Science Hub as a PostDoc in May 2021. Before that, he worked at the Senseable City Lab at MIT and SMART FM in Singapore. He earned a PhD in physics with a focus on network and data science from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 2015.

Dániel has worked with diverse topics that focus on the analysis of large-scale geographically embedded phenomena, including the study of human mobility in various contexts. His current research focuses on large-scale, agent-based models of interactions among historical societies. His research interests include data-driven and agent-based modeling of complex social, economical, and technological phenomena.

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